Tutankhamen Portraits

Our last 2-D project of the Walk Like an Egyptian workshop was a portrait of Tutankhamen, aka King Tut.  We read Tutankhamen’s Gift by Robert Sabuda.  This beautifully illustrated book tells the story of Tutankhamen’s childhood and how he became a Pharaoh.

A portrait project provided an opportunity to discuss facial proportions, where do the eyes go?  How far down is the nose?,…etc.  We started our portraits on black paper using a pale Nupastel.   We then used a mix of regular and metallic oil pastels to add color.  After we finished with color, we cut out our pharaohs and glued them to a clean sheet of colored paper.  I can’t believe the variety and personality they produced!  I absolutely love them all, but had to choose a few to share.

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And here are a few pics of the artists at work…

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