Salvador Dali

Salvador Dali

Last week we did charcoal portraits of Surrealist artist, Salvador Dali, equally famous for both his unique paintings and his flamboyant, eccentric personality.  We looked at his most famous painting, Persistence of Memory.  But, our main focus was on Dali’s expressive face and mustache. We discussed facial proportions, and students were given a variety of […]

Monet’s Magical Garden

Monet’s Magical Garden

Last week we read The Magical Garden of Claude Monet by Laurence Anholt.  While on a visit to Giverny, the main character, Julie, befriends Claude Monet and explores his beautiful gardens. We began our project by drawing the Japanese bridge made famous by Monet’s paintings.  We used oil pastels to draw the bridge and create […]

Futuristic Cities

The first project we finished today was the futuristic cites.  We discussed landscape vs city-scape and foreground, middle-ground, and background.  I did a short demonstration on how to approach this drawing, beginning with the foreground and moving back in space.  We discussed  what a futuristic city would look like…flying cars… different architecture,  and other differences […]