Starting in the 3rd-5th grade classes, I really try to work on drawing skills more. I like to do less directed drawing and more drawing from life or from photographs. My goal is for them to move away from drawing symbols and learn to draw what they see. I decided to jump right in this year with a challenging drawing project.
We first discussed contour line and value. I did a short example on paper. Each student was given vine charcoal, compressed charcoal, and a Magic eraser. I passed out black and white photos of elephants. Students first drew the contour of the elephant in vine charcoal. They then squinted at their photos to identify the light and dark values. Then we switched to compressed charcoal to shade. Students also learned how to use the eraser to “draw” the lighter value shapes and to add texture.
This was a difficult project, especially for the younger students. There are a couple of 6 and 7 yr olds in the mix. I am so proud of all them. They all really listened and worked so hard. They really captured a sense of light and created strong forms. I am so pleased with the results! We may have to use charcoal more often.
Thank you Patty at DSS for the inspiration. : )