Today in “Crawl, Wiggle, Fly,” we made butterfly collages. Yesterday, we made some painted paper in warm and cool colors. We used those papers today to create beautiful butterflies. Thanks to Patty at Deep Space Sparkle for the inspiration. : )
Monthly Archives: July 2015

Today we completed our paper mache spiders. They are so awesome!!! We painted them in gesso first so that the newsprint wouldn’t show through. Then we used acrylic paint to complete them. I love these pictures of the artists with their spiders. Amazing work!
Imaginary Insects
After practicing drawing insects, we drew large imaginary insects on big paper. They were encouraged to draw large, incorporate what they learned from their sketches and put their own twist on their bug. They drew with sharpie and painted with puck tempera paint. Some cut their bugs out and glued them on colored paper. Others […]
First Day of “Crawl, Wiggle, Fly!”

We had a great first day of this creepy, crawly workshop! We got a start on our paper mache spiders, did some practice drawings of bugs, read a funny book about sneaky spiders, and did a large imaginary insect painting. Here are a few pictures of the artists at work.
3, 2, 1, Blastoff!!

We had such a “blast” shooting off rockets yesterday! We first decorated our water bottles, then poured 1/2 cup of vinegar in with a funnel. Then I added baking soda bombs (baking soda wrapped in a single layer of paper towel.) I sealed up the bottle with a duct tape covered cork and gave it […]
Awesome Rocket Paintings!

Our last project for “To Infinity and Beyond” was painting a rocket in tempera paint. We drew rockets with Sharpie markers and painted them in tempera. Then we painted our explosive backgrounds on orange/yellow paper. To finish, we cut and glued the rockets on the background. This was tough to draw, especially for some of […]
Some Work…and Some PLAY!!
Summer art workshops are primarily about learning about art techniques, but they are also about having fun and making new friends. We ended up with about half an hour of extra time in the afternoon class (They were speedy today!). Miss Meredith stepped in with a game of “Meredith Says”. Lots of laughs! They had […]
Robot Collage
Our second project on day 2 of “To Infinity and Beyond” was a robot collage. Drawing robots first gave us a better understanding of how to compose a robot from various materials. The main parts of the body came from food take-out containers. The details were random bits of metal I put together (brads, washers, […]
Robot Day

Today was all about robots. We started out by reading “Clink” by Kelly DiPucchio. It tells the tale of an old out-dated robot who longs for a new home. Matthew Myers illustrations are fantastic. We then talked about what robots can do, and I did a demo on how to draw a robot. We did […]
Creating a New Solar System
Our second project today was to create a new solar system. We worked hard to learn the names and order of the planets in our solar system. But, this is art, not science. So we got creative. : ) We began with a wet-on-wet watercolor technique, using plastic wrap to create an interesting texture for […]
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